1. went to the temple today and felt more peace than i ever have ever ever ever. i love feeling like i'm "home." ahhh man. the temple does a really good job at focusing me and helping me remember the eternal scheme of things. reminds me to chill out and that everything is going to be okay. i should probably go to the temple every week for the rest of my life... if possible.
2. president schmitt said that the script for transfer meeting made him feel like bob barker on the price is right "sister smith your new companion is??????? sister jones!!!!!!! COME ON DOWN!!!!" hahaha
3. got to sit out on the pool chairs for a bit at lunch and soak in some rays. i got some nice color on my white fleshy flesh.
4. remember the old man named Al in Pacific Beach that was super rude to me and asked me all those hard questions about his wife's death? well.... i found out he died :( i wanted to go see him after the mission and be friends... the Spirit World Sisters will go get him for me :)
5. elder van alfen said to sister landeen "did you medicate her [me] this morning??" HEY NOW!!!! hehehee
6. in response to your question on whether or not i licked the chocolate fountain..."to heck with love. i'd rather fall into chocolate!"
7. we're moving :/ saddddd face. I LOVE THE QUIGGLES. i have lived with them for close to a 1/3 of my mission! the quiggles have someone moving in with them and we can't be there anymore, so on the 1st we are moving to a member's granny flat in their back yard! should be exciting!
8. we're like 96% sure that we're getting iPads in september #hashtags
9. remember those MTE exchanges i went on like 3 months ago where sister landeen and i go with different companionships for the day and night after some training from president?? and we get wrecked from doing like a million of them over and over? well my first one is tomorrow!! yay :)
the gospel is true.
this thing i am sure of.
other things are debatable... but Jesus is the Christ.
i know that.
i know it.
i love you!!
Happy Peter Ashton week! :D
sister barfuss
sister barfuss
1. found a family that doesn't allow face cards in their house but they play Rook ALL the time! I just laughed and laughed and laughed. no one understood why. but you will :)
2. it was 113 degrees Wednesday #wantedtoshavemyhead
3. "no peep hole!" that's the best!!"
4. met some crazy dude on the side of the road that loves acronyms... P.U.S.H. = pray until something happens. I asked him what his name was and he said "doctor jay" :) hehe then when we were walking off he was all like "hey ladies!! Shake your Bible!! Shake your Bible!!!!!" uhhhhhhhhhh..... my Bible is too heavy for that....
5. 16 months (that means 10 weeks left people!)
6. two different people have made Harry Potter references to me this week while teaching the gospel. it was awesome. apparently harry potter is a member........
7. spent some time in Chula Vista this week were the filmed The District 2. like the exact church building! haha. the biggest problem for those missionaries is that everyone goes to Tijuana for the weekend. chula vista is like a mile from the Mexican border
8. was told I have an accent. I asked what it was and he said "a northern one. elongated vowels." haaaaahaaaaahaaaaa (get it?)
9. President Schmitt said that our Pday is Tuesday because it's "Taco Tuesday" around the whole mission... fish tacos for 99 cents! haha not really.... he was joking
10. one of the grandkids staying in our house had a birthday and her older brother sang "happy birthday to you. happy birthday to you. you smell like a monkey. and you look like one too." LOVED it.
11. did you know that Sonic will put Nerds candy in your slushy? I totally did it this week and had "blue raspberry with Nerds" ohhhh yeah baby.
12. some elders texted me one night and said "are you related to april barfuss monson?" (that's my Aunt) turns out they were having dinner with someone who was talking about a "sister barfuss from Idaho that they served their mission with" and the elders connected the dots. SMALL WORLD!
13. met a girl that said her name was misty.... but it was spelt mysti because it's short for mysterious.... hehehehe
14. I have a horrid red patch of skin right next to the corner of my mouth and every time I look at myself in the mirror I feel like I look like a vampire who was sucking someone's blood and then wiped it off my face but it left a stain.... i wish you could see me right now. makeup is not enough.
15. President Romney is in our Stake Presidency. he is mitt's son. he came to our ward on Sunday!
16. went to an appointment with a less active member and when we got to his door he came flying out. i asked him what he was up to and he said "I'm giving my neighbor a tattoo right now. sorry. can we meet later?" WAHAHAHAHA man, i almost died. (secretly i wanted to go to his neighbor's apartment and witness it, but then i was like "maaaybe not")
mamas - way to be on your missionary work!! i totally agree with the "be friends before sending missionaries" honestly though, people need to realize that we are called to TEACH, not to fellowship or stop by and introduce ourselves. we want people to get to the point that they are perfectly taken care of by a member friend and we just come in and teach a lesson and then leave. BOOM! all of the success in our YSA ward have come from members. 20somethings DO NOT CARE about the gospel and they don't want to talk to us. but when they have a friend! things change!
okay so we got a new bishopric on Sunday (such a bummer because we LOOOOVE them, we're also VEEERY excited for our new one!!) and when our Bishop gave his testimony he talked all about how every sunday after his interviews he would go take out the mother's room trash so it didn't smell horrific by the next sunday. he was always the last one out, so he just did it. at first it was nasty and he thought it was just his duty, but then he said one day he learned something. one day the Spirit whispered "this is what Christ does for you EVERY week. He takes out your horrible nasty embarrassing garbage and then opens up a brand new bag for you. Christ will do this over and over and over and over and over and over." our new bishop's wife bore her testimony and said that they did not start their journey the normal way. he was less active and she wasn't a member, but the decided that they were going to have an active family that was sealed in the temple and went to the celestial kingdom together. then she ended with "if we can do it, so can you."
CHANGE. it's good stuff.
remember the young little baby sister barfuss that hated change?
I'm so grateful for opportunities to show faith and in turn learn more about Heavenly Father and Christ.
love you!! love you!! love you!!
sister barfuss